
Monday, May 30, 2011

A Beefy Breakthrough

Thomas has never been one to get excited about food.  I always thought that I could find some taste that would entice him to eat but I never found anything he really liked. Until tonight!

Yum, beefy!
My husband was eating Lipton beefy noodles and I asked him to offer Tom a taste. Tom LOVED it! He was slurping the sauce from the spoon and getting mad when we took the spoon off him to get more sauce on it for him.

It was the best reaction I have ever seen him have to food. Tom has had tastes of everything from ice cream to chocolate and every fruit and vegetable you can imagine. I have tried every baby food and cracker and snack out there. Nothing moved him like this beefy noodle sauce. He didn't want to let go of the spoon. I'm only sad I didn't have much to give him. He seemed truly sorry when it was gone. Tomorrow I'm off to the store to buy some beefy tasting food for Tom.

Take that food aversions!

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