
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Do You Have Something to Share? Be a Guest Blogger

I would like to include the perspective of other blind children and their families on this site.  I think featuring guest posts is the best way to do that.

Tom's experience here in Pennsylvania is naturally going to be different from the experience of a blind child in another state or country. I would love to hear what other families are doing and experiencing. There is so much we can learn from each other.

Putting out the call for submissions
So, do you have a blind child in your family? Would you like to share their story on Thomas Marshall Does It All?

To apply as a guest blogger, leave your email address in a comment on this post and answer the following questions:
  • Age of your child
  • Eye condition(s)
  • Your location (You can be general. No address needed.)
  • A sentence or two about your family and what you would like to share in a guest post.
Tom is waiting to take your call.
Hmm, maybe just a comment.
I will just collect these comments and not publish them to the site, so don't worry about leaving your email in a comment.

But I'm not a writer? I don't know what to say? 

Well, I'll make it easy for you! I will send guest bloggers an email with a list of questions, and all you have to do is answer them. Please answer with as much detail as you wish then send it back to me with a couple photos so we can all "meet" your child.

I hope you will choose to share your story with us!