
Thursday, June 16, 2011

Another day, another EUA

Tomorrow morning we are taking Tom in for another EUA (exam under anesthesia) at the Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh. At the last evaluation, his eye pressure ranged between 26 and 31. To bring the pressure down further, he started back on the Cosopt and Xalatan eye drops. Hopefully we will get some good news and find that the pressure has dropped further!

I had no idea that Glaucoma could be so difficult to treat. I never knew anyone that had it before Thomas developed it last summer. We have been at CHOP so often this spring that the staff are beginning to recognize us and Thomas. But it does seem like they are starting to get a handle on the pressure and that is a relief. I have noticed that Thomas is pressing on his eye less since we started treating that eye with the Cosopt drops too.

They aren't easy but these EUAs are an important time to meet with his doctors and ask some questions. I am interested to speak to the doctor further about Thomas' treatment and to find out why the first implant didn't seem to work.

I hope to see this smiling face tomorrow afternoon without any eye patches. Praying for good pressure, no surgery!

New Page - The Art of Tom
I absolutely love taking pictures of Thomas so I created a page to share some of my favorite pictures of him. I like the idea of not having to wait for a relevant post to use some of his best pictures. You can find it with the other pages by scrolling to the top of the blog, just under the Thomas Marshall Does It All banner. Hope you enjoy them.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with your EUA tomorrow. Jake has his next one in August in Michigan. Praying for good news for you and Thomas.
    We have been lucky with keeping Jake's pressure levels down but I know how quickly that can change.
