
Sunday, June 26, 2011

Check out Tom's Favorite Blogs

There are many kids going through the same difficulties that Thomas has experienced and their brave parents are sharing their stories through blogs also.

Along the right hand side of the page you will see Tom's Favorite Blogs. Check them out to learn more about the lives of other blind and visually impaired children.

I love being able to share Tom's story with the world and it makes me so happy that others may get a little needed information and hope from reading my blog. I felt so alone when Thomas was first born and we faced diagnoses we had never heard of and the prospect of many surgeries. Wonderbaby was the first online resource I found that showed information provided by a family instead of dry medical information. I am happy to be able to share many more helpful blogs now.

Doctors don't get to see what goes on at your house; they only see your child for a couple of minutes. They don't have the opportunity to know how remarkable these children are! I love that a blog lets everyone know that despite some really difficult diagnoses and all the things they said he might never do, Thomas is happy and thriving. That's why I say, "Thomas will do it all, in his own sweet time!"

"The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all"

Please take a look at Tom's Favorite Blogs. We can learn so much from each other.

1 comment:

  1. I love this post! Thanks for putting my lil man on Tom's fave blogs! God Bless, Jen
