
Friday, July 8, 2011

Genetics Update

Genetics called me this afternoon to report that all their testing turned up negative. I didn't realize how it had been on my mind until I got the news. They were testing him for some pretty scary things and I'm relieved to find out it's all negative.

They want us to bring him in again to take another look but I am conflicted about that. So far these tests have done nothing more than scare us. Thomas doesn't seem to fit the patterns of any particular disease and many have been considered.

I think he is unique. What we have is a Thomas Marshall and that's it! There's no test for that because it's less than two years old.
There's only one Tom!


  1. That's awesome Jessica! I'm so glad to hear that the tests were negative and that everything is ok! My lil man's surgery to close the trach hole went great! His airway has also grown and he might not need his hearing aids anymore. I've realized that there are people out there going through something much worse than us. Me and you are so blessed to have such wonderful little boys!

  2. I know exactly what you mean. We see a genetic doctor too and they get you all worked up to what it might be and then you have to wait until the results come in which takes forever. We know Jake has FEVR and they thought he might have something else too but so far they have found nothing.

  3. Exactly!! It's CRAZY how much in common our kids are! :) Hanna is being tested all the time for stuff. Probably hundreds of things by now. It's scary, and really, we dont need that! I think Hanna is Hanna, and that's that.
    I just dont want them to stop in case there IS something that can be treated before it gets worse. It's a hard thing. I know how you can be conflicted about having more tests done. I really do understand.
