
Monday, September 26, 2011

On the road to Detroit!

Here's Tom driving his new Mickey Mouse truck!
We are driving to Detroit again for another EUA with Dr. Capone at Beaumont Hospital. It has been more than a year since we saw Dr. Capone so we are really interested to get his opinion on the state of Thomas' eyes.

At this point I'm just very nervous. If he sees an opportunity to make more progress (like remove more scar tissue) he may do surgery. He could also see new problems which threaten the bit of sight Thomas has and decide to do surgery. Or he could decide it's best to do nothing. I guess we will find out on Wednesday!

When we arrive in Detroit we are going straight to the ROPARD (Retinopathy of Prematurity and Related Diseases) Children's Low Vision Resource Center! It's the first center like this anywhere and we can't wait to see what it's like. After a five to six hour car ride I'm sure Thomas will be bouncing off the walls and ready to play!


  1. I wish you the best! I know how nerve racking it is travelling to appointments and not knowing what to expect.
    Anxiously awaiting to hear how it goes!

  2. Thinking about u guys today! Hope everything goes great!!!
