
Friday, September 30, 2011

Today is the last Day to use your Federal Quota Funds with APH!

The APH (American Printing House for the Blind) put out a reminder on Facebook that today is the last day to order products using your federal quota money. The United States government allows a certain amount of money yearly, for the purchase of educational materials for the blind. You can find out more about the federal quota by clicking here.

Your TVI should provide you with a catalog or you can view the products using the APH online catalog. The APH has a whole early childhood section that has lots of interesting items. Tom already has an APH lightbox and many of the braille books. Now we are getting some pre-braille items, a work/play tray and some textured matching blocks. 

Tom using his APH lightbox
Today is the LAST day to use your federal funds! Call up your TVI and ask them to place an order for you if you have not ordered anything this year.

1 comment:

  1. Argh! This sounds great and I wish my son's TVI told us about this. :(!!
