
Thursday, October 20, 2011

At what age does a blind child need a cane?

Answer: You will know when it's time!

And for us, that time is now. I am measuring Tom tonight to order him his first long white cane from the NFB. Tom is walking independently across the room and going into other rooms. He walks with his hands clasped together in front of him. He seems to be able to use his light perception to find doorways and then he begins trailing the walls or furniture. It's so cute to see. He looks like such a big kid.

Not everyone agrees with me that Tom should have a cane. (He just turned two last month.) Many believe that a child has to be much older to use a cane because he won't be able to use it well enough. But isn't that like saying he shouldn't try to walk until he can walk as well as an adult?

Then others I have talked to have asked me, "where is his cane?" I have thought about both arguments and come down firmly on the side of introducing the cane now. Several bloody lips and banged noses from running face first into things he can't see has show me that it's time to try something else for him.

Now I won't expect Thomas to use his cane with perfect form. He is just a little guy. But I do think it's better to introduce the cane to him now, before he really develops other ways to move about on his own. I don't want him to create a system he is comfortable with and then take it away from him and say, "Now use this cane!" I would rather it be there so he can grow and learn with it.

I have had several people suggest alternate "pre-cane" items like a corn popper or other push toys. Tom has been using several push toys successfully for about a year now. Take a look at the video below to see how he maneuvers his mickey mouse train.

I can't wait to see what Thomas thinks of the cane. I know he will be walking and running with his little cane someday soon.


  1. Tom is soooo cute in the video! I bet that's the way Orion will go with a push toy, too, when he starts walking. Too cute!

  2. He will do great. Kids that age learn a lot just by exploring.. Only have one rule (tip to the ground) Everything else he will learn by discovery. Its a technique. Also the NFB is going to be starting a program soon called Early Explorers. I will let you know when that starts (its my understand very soon) It suppose to give lots of supports for parents.

  3. He's so good with the push toy!!
    In Hanna's case, we will introduce the cane when she's a bit older. She gets around really well, and will need it in public places more than anything I think. I think your wise to start him now though. I think it may be tricky to get Hanna to all of a sudeen start using one!

  4. Jake will be three in Feb and his orientation and mobility teacher is thinking about starting him on one now because he looks down when he wants because he can't see where he is going if he looks up. I think the earlier you start the better. Do what you think is best as a Mom.
