
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

I found $250 on the floor!

in the form of a contact lens.  :(

It was one of Tom's very expensive aphakic contact lenses that now cost us $250.00 per lens. Our insurance had been covering the cost, or so we thought!

The last time we went to the eye doctors we were informed that a new contact policy had been implemented because insurance companies won't pay for these contacts anymore. Never mind the fact that this is a medically necessary contact that acts as a prosthesis for the natural lens that was removed!

Thomas is due for another EUA (Exam Under Anesthesia) in a matter of weeks so we are waiting for his prescription to be updated at his exam before we purchase new contacts. His eyes have definitely changed because his contacts keep falling out; this is an indicator of poor fit.

So we have been putting aside money to pay for his next set of contacts. He needs new contacts at least four times a year and more often if they fall out and get lost. It seems like we are constantly being told that things have changed and now we have to pay out of pocket for something else. But sometimes help comes and it comes fast!

Haircuts can be fun!
Tom's amazing hair dresser Nina is involved in the Lion's Club of Braddock. She has told me many times that the mission of the Lion's Club is to help the blind and visually impaired and that I should contact her if we needed help.

We have always found a way to make things work and get what we need for Thomas but now it was time to ask for some help. I quickly wrote up a summary of Tom's condition and his need for contacts for Nina to take to the next Lion's Club meeting. I was probably a little lengthly with my "summary" but it was important to me that they understand Thomas and his story.

I am so happy to tell you the Lion's Club of Braddock has generously funded the cost of Thomas' next set of contact lenses! How amazing is that!

Nina is so good with kids.
They will continue to work with us to raise additional funds for Thomas, possibly through a fundraising dinner. I have to tell you that it is such a relief to have the funds for his contact lenses ready to go.

Thomas has an appointment coming up in about a week where we will meet with the new Chief of Ophthalmology at the Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh. I understand that he wants to take over Thomas' care. I'm a little nervous because Thomas has been with Dr. Lope since he was two days old and she is great with him. She is so fast with his contact changes and really caring. However, the good news is this new doctor is a pioneer in pediatric ophthalmology and we are lucky to have his expertise. After he meets Thomas we can schedule the next EUA and get those new contacts in.

A huge Thank you Nina and the entire Braddock Lion's Club!
Thank you!

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