
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Texture Basket

Sometimes Tom is bored and I just don't know what to do with him. Then I remember his texture basket!

It is a collection of all the little squishy, fuzzy, and furry objects that we have accumulated over the years. Just take a look through your toy boxes and I bet you could create an impressive texture collection from the odds and ends you find.

Tom's texture basket contains:
  • bumpy balls
  • bouncy balls
  • foam blocks
  • chewy tubes
  • fuzzy toys
  • small stuffed animals
  • piece of velcro
  • faux fur square 
  • teether toys

A texture basket is perfect for when your child is sad, mad, or just plain bored and cranky. In my experience, it can really stop a bad mood in its tracks. 

I am constantly adding to his texture basket and it's a great way to make use of the bits and pieces of lost toys you end up with. When your child is older you might be able to repurpose some of the items for art projects. Some of these items are dollar store finds and some were give to us by Tom's therapists. You can purchase chewy tubes online.

These furry noodles were only 99 cents each at Learning Express.
Remember that chewing is great exercise for kids that are working on their oral motor skills for feeding and developing speech. Chewing can be a very good thing and there are items like this on the market so that kids can be safe. Not all of the items in our texture basket are safe for chewing so this basket is only used under supervision. Tom still mouths everything as part of his initial exploration of new items. This is understandable since he can't see. He uses his mouth to give him more information about new objects. 
Of course, watch for any choking hazards.
Have fun creating your texture basket!


  1. I love your texture basket! Sometimes dog and cat toys work well too for exploring textures. I'm a pediatric OT and I need to get some of those furry noodles to add to my bag of tricks! Thanks for sharing!

  2. This is such a cool idea!
