
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Quora help - What is it like to be deaf, blind.....

On Quora someone posts a question and then people reply and those replies can be up or down voted. It is a very interesting site.

Could you help me out with this Quora question?

What does It feel to be deaf, blind, or physiologically mute?

I got into a big discussion on here with someone who insists on feeling bad for people with disabilities. Apparently, I am arrogant to deny his sadness! I only want him to know that he should keep his sadness to himself because my son doesn't need his pity. It is not helpful or constructive.

 Check out the comments and add your own answers.

We need real discussion with the greater public who don't know much about blindness or other disabilities. Help educate them and learn to see the world from another perspective!


  1. Handicapped people don't need or want pity. They need peoples empathy. Treat people the way you would want to be treated. But since ethics and morality are lacking in a lot of people, out of their own ignorance they go the "pity" route. Kevin

  2. Oh man, another one! :P I kid you not, this is our job throughout our lifetime.
