
Sunday, April 22, 2012

Blogiversary Giveaway

Thomas last spring when I started the blog.
The pictures at the top of the page are all about a year old, and so is this blog! It's our blogiversary! It's been a crazy year but it has also been a great year. Thomas is doing great and I'm so glad that I can share his story, and all the resources I find along the way, with you.

I was very conflicted about writing a blog about my son and sharing so much of our lives with the world. The comments I get from other parents make it obvious that blogs by families of children with special needs are important and needed.

Thank you for reading, and please continue to share your stories and ideas with me.

To celebrate, we are doing our first giveaway!
Tom modeling with "the Sensational Alphabet."
Thomas Marshall Does It All Blogiversary Book Giveaway
  • The Sensational Alphabet by April Rolphe    Explore the alphabet with all your senses! The book uses sight, sound, smell, hearing, sign language, touch, and Braille.
  • The Caterpillar (American Publishing House for the Blind)  This book has Braille, print and amazing textures to explore. Click here to check it out.

How to enter:

Leave a comment on this post with your email address and tell us a bit about the blind or visually impaired child who wants to win a book. I will draw two winners at random on Wednesday, May 3rd. 

Please note, this contest is only open to residents of the USA or Canada because of shipping costs. 

Only enter if you have a blind or visually impaired child. Reading is so important and parents of blind/vi kids can't just go to their local bookstore to buy a Braille book. I want to reserve these books for the kids who really need them.

Good luck to all who enter! I can't wait to hear from you.

And here is Thomas today!


  1. Happy Blogiversary!!! We're at phouka (at), and Peanut is a nifty 3-year-old who happens not to see all that well. (He's legally blind, has a long white cane, and he has a degenerative eye condition that increases his likelihood of retinal detachment.)

    I haven't seen either of those books before--even if we don't win, yay for new titles to check out! Peanut loves _That's Not My Bear_ and _Rolly Poly Man_ from APH, too. There's a great selection of _That's Not My_ books at all sorts of other stuff in braille/twin vision.

    I'm not sure if it will work for Canada, but in the US you can ship "Free Matter for the Blind" for free, to save you a few centavos.

    Have a great day!

  2. Our son Benjamin ( is blind due to prematurity- he had severe ROP (retinopathy of prematurity- stage 4, zone 1 with PLUS disease) which was unable to be treated, despite several surgeries. We think he has some light perception, but it's still too early to really say. He is 14 months old (10 months adjusted), and we're building our braille library! We have the Sensational Alphabet book, and are really trying to give him as much of a pre-braille experience as we can!

    We love reading Thomas's blog! You have such great ideas, and it's a wonderful resource for those of us just starting to navigate the BVI waters! Thank you so much for sharing.

  3. Well, you know all about Hanna! She's a tiny little mystery girl who happens to be legally blind. We don't know what kind of vision she has, but is very much into pre-braille activities, and will start braille full force when she's about 5. We don't have any braille books at all for her right now. We get braille books a few times a month from the CNIB Library, so that's pretty cool.
    Happy Blogiversary!! I'm so thankful for your blog. You have so many great ideas, and you're always inspiring me to do different things with Hanna.
    Its so nice of you to do this giveaway!

  4. Hi! I am a VI teacher in Ontario, Canada. Not entering the contest as I have the books but just wanted to say all my kids and I love the 'Sensational Alphabet Book'! and yes 'Free matter for the Blind' works here too. Congrats on your blogiversay. I love checking in to see all your little guy is doing. Thank you so much for sharing.

  5. Thanks for the giveaway. I've commented before about my son Marck who is blind due to Peter's Anomaly. We have neither of the books that you're giving away, so we'd love to win! Happy Blogiversary!!


  6. Thank you so much for writing this blog. My son is VI and just turned 3. I just recently bought him an iPad after reading your blog and he loves it. You are a great resource for other parents with VI children and I enjoy reading your blog.


  7. Thanks for the giveaway. WE are adopting a 6 year old who is blind. She lives in the Ukraine and we really need that book to keep her entertained for the month that we get to stay in her country before we get to take her home. She she hasn't had any schooling so far we plan to start working on it right away! I am also a braillist for a fourth grade braille reader. email:

  8. I have no blind or visually impaired child. But I needed to comment and mention again how cute your boy is. love him.

  9. Thanks for the giveaway and congratulations :)
    My Son Diganth is VI due to LCA(Leber's Congential Amourosis) I really like to have those books.

    Email id:

  10. (Hopping happily) Giveaway!!

    Our latest delight is Orion Theodore, 21 months, little brother to Skyler and Anastasia. Orion has severe, complex bilateral microphthalmia and wears a cochlear implant since he is also profoundly deaf. Orion is stunningly handsome and has a delightful, wholesome laugh. He rolls and scoots around on his head and continues to learn to sit up, stand, get up on all fours. When he searches his tray his hands come together in a way that I think it's perfect positioning for braille reading. We hope he is a compulsive reader like his mom!


  11. We have two boys ages 4 and 2 both born with bilateral congenital glaucoma. Our 4 year old is legally blind, after 3 cornea transplants and 50+ operations... he struggles daily to try to see, he has found braille to be much easier and gets around better with his cane. Our two year old has had 11 operations and suffers from the same thing. I spend my day doing 14 eye drops! Both of our boys love books...God Bless!!! <3 All our best!
